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Beginner scuba question for Grand Cayman


New member
We are on the Carnival Freedom, Feb. 6,2020. We tender in from 7-3. Several in our group are first time cruisers and want to try a beginner scuba dive. Do they have enough time? Should we book through Carnival or book directly with a local dive shop? Thank you!
We always go thru a local dive shop. You can find shops worldwide via the PADI site. Just check with the shop for their dive times and if they are the shipmdive contractor. If they are under contract with the ship, they can take others off the same ship.
We'll be in Cayman jn dec2019 and will be going out with lobster pot. Went with them last year, dove the kittiwake. If you're inexperienced, that might not be for you. Our daughter spent a week on the east end and dove with them several days.