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As I have never flown can anyone give me ideas on where to get the best deals when planning a cruise and having to fly? What to expect? And are any of the flights and cruises able to be scheduled together?
You will find some cruise/flight combination deals offered but rarely will they be cheaper than finding deals separately.

As for flights a few of the big web sites people use to find great deals are:

1) Expedia.com
2) Hotwire.com
3) Priceline.com

These same sites / links can also be used to find cruise deals, hotel deals, rental car deals, etc.
As I have never flown can anyone give me ideas on where to get the best deals when planning a cruise and having to fly? What to expect? And are any of the flights and cruises able to be scheduled together?

Taking Greg's good advice into consideration - select and book your cruise first (it's the most important part) and then find flights to match the cruise departure/return. Keep in mind that you may not be able to board your ship until after midday after suffering huge crowds and much stress. Some cruisers prefer to stay the night before at a local hotel, it's calmer and quieter.

Several days before you are due to disembark, you will be asked what your homeward bound arrangements are. If you have a flight to catch, some pursers will factor that into deciding who get's off first. If you are cabbing it or driving home, you will probably be in the last group called to go to the gangway and wave goodbye.
I think, that as you have not flown before, it may be better to book a fly/cruise. Yes, it will be a bit dearer, but, that way, the cruise line will do the donkey work of buying tickets, etc. You will also have transfers from the airport to the ship and back. You may be offered (at a cost of course), an excursion with airport drop-off on the last day, filling the time if flights are later in the day. Also, some cruise lines have reps. at the departure airport to help guide you through check-in etc.