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New Here


New member
Hi everyone,

I am new here and am hoping to learn more about cruising. I love cruising and find that I am constantly learning things and researching for upcoming cruises.

My next cruise is 10/28/12 on the Carnival Conquest.

Hi Candy, My wife and I just got back off the Conquest in May of this year. This was our second cruise out of New Orleans. Last year we cruised Elation. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. We had a great time, and the weather was great as well. Happy cruising!
Pictures by dwillis0824 - Here are some pictures and videos from our cruise on the Conquest.
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Hello everyone! My first cruise was on the Conquest 9/11/2011. What a fantastic ship! My next cruise will be closer to home on the Pride out of Baltimore on 12/9/2012! I can't wait!!!
hello i never been on a cruise and the planing is driving me crazy but i think we got it all worked out we are going to wal diney world on 12/3/2013 then we are going to miami fl to get on carnival breeze has anyone been on that ship or herd anything about it i know its still new been out less then 2 months any tips you can give us would be great also i have herd but aint sure its true that on the last they have a sale on the on board pictures they take is that true if not that dont matter was just wondering it soulds like you guys had a good trip :cool:
Hi Everyone,
I am King of Cruises A.K.A. Robert. My DW is Mary and we love to cruise. Have been on another site (it's full of cryers) so here I am looking for the people that live to cruise!!!:rolleyes: Have been cruising for many years and would welcome any and all querries, if I can help I will!!! Will be sailing on the Splendor in 24 days and I am so JAZZED.
i am cruising the elation out of new orleans in may. did you like the ship? this is our first cruise! im nervous, excited all in one! im nervous about weather and storms lol.. crazy i know, even crazier i think of titanic.. ok over the top , sorry.

any advise about the ship would be great!!
Thanks so Much