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Royal Caribbean Tomato Soup

Elly 110

New member
I never tasted such a tomato soup, And I'm dying for more, But don't want to book a cruise line just to eat it again. Is there anybody out there that has the recipe for it.
I would think the exact recipe might only be known by the head chef at the time on that particular ship you were on. If you could find that information (ship, date, head chef) then you might be able to contact someone at RC to see if you could get the recipe. It's a long shot though. Same thing happened to me on a cruise we went on with Azamara years ago but it was a potato soup. Best I've ever had before or since. Not sure what the secret ingredient was but it was great!!
I never tasted such a tomato soup, And I'm dying for more, But don't want to book a cruise line just to eat it again. Is there anybody out there that has the recipe for it.
Problem with getting the recipe is they are designed for large quantity. I got the cream of mushroom soup off of NCL it makes 50 servings I tried cutting it down it was ok but not the same, I may throw a party so I can make that much, but I need to buy a big pot first.☺️