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Stories from the lower decks

Seaman Stories

New member
HI beautiful people
First, thank you to the admins of this forum for creating a space where cruise lovers can hang out virtually and share their experiences and thoughts.
My name is Clement, a former employee on cruise ships and one of the creators of seamanstories.com.
After years of working on ships and answering questions about the "mysterious" life below deck, we decided to create a platform where past and present employees will answer those questions through their stories, interviews, blogs, and other cruise-related content that gives access to a whole different and exciting world.
Our goal with this project is to shed light on what it's really like to work in the cruise industry while at the same time helping the former employees in need from whom we buy the stories.
Now, we are just starting and our funds for promotion are nonexistent, so, with the permission from the admin team, we want to let you know that we exist.
If you like the idea, support us by reading our content. It would mean the world to us, the small team behind seamanstories.com, and the crew members we work with!

Thank you!
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