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Vasco da Gama

Yes leggar I also wondered where the cmv Vasco da Gama got to. ? sTuck In Phuket Clearly the cruise industry is under lotsa pressure with covid19 issues. No info from cmv at all?
Hi, we were booked to go on the Vasco da Gama from Singapore to Tilbury but deferred it to next year but not the same cruise- this was the only thing we could do so that we did not lose our money. I have been tracking it and it seems to have been sitting off Phuket for 4 days! We are trying to get a refund but no luck so far. We’re you also booked to go on it?
RE VDG scenario and outcome ???
yes we were booked but wife has an accident and fractured her leg so we had to cancel a few weeks out..cmv & imagine were at first very responsive and offered to transfer monies paid to a subsequent cruise..2021 ? on a similar ship..but as WE cancelled that was out the window..so we had all docs and medical certs to get a refund via insurer..wow..that was an escape..esp with the covid19 scenario unfolding subsequently..that is the reason the VDG is sitting in the Andaman sea going round in circles..there must be many very frustrated trippers sitting in their cabins and rueing the day they got on board..and playing bingo, doing crosswords, dancing ?, sports, swimming & sunning themselves ???
we were very lucky..sounds like you will lose your deposit..imagine cruising are ruthless in their treatment of customers..remember this is big business and the losses will be huge with this EVENT.. insurers escape clause is the "pandemic" declaration..specifically excluded in many insurance docs fine print..i do see too that the VDG has no onboard cameras operating..many cruises do..and no word from any passengers on board..that would only occur if they used the internet to send out messages to reles, friends etc
Just wondering if there is anyone out there that are currently on the cruise ship Vasco da Gama thanks
Have a friend on it currently, just received an email saying that they have been sitting off Phuket, Thailand for the past 8 days. CMV Columbus is meeting up with them today and they will transfer UK people onto her as she is heading back to London. Vasco will then return to Fremantle. Hope this helps
Thanks for the info Snzn& Crzn. We made the decision not to go on the cruise because we thought that this would happen and we would be stuck somewhere - however they would not give us a refund and so the only way to save losing our money was to re-book a different cruise in March 2021 (the same one was not available) I am still trying to get a refund as understandably we no longer want to go on a cruise and would much prefer to have the money sitting in the bank. However they are not being very co-operative and obviously prefer to have the bad publicity.
By the way do you happen to know how many ended up on the Vasco Da Gama cruise?
Also Jimshaw I hope your wife is OK?
Thanks for the info Snzn& Crzn. We made the decision not to go on the cruise because we thought that this would happen and we would be stuck somewhere - however they would not give us a refund and so the only way to save losing our money was to re-book a different cruise in March 2021 (the same one was not available) I am still trying to get a refund as understandably we no longer want to go on a cruise and would much prefer to have the money sitting in the bank. However they are not being very co-operative and obviously prefer to have the bad publicity.
By the way do you happen to know how many ended up on the Vasco Da Gama cruise?
Also Jimshaw I hope your wife is OK?
yes she is fine..pretty relieved to avoid all this who ha too..we are now suffering the outfall/impact of a severe economic downturn and panic buying here in melbourne too...and travel blockages..2 week separation/exclusion for travellers or any who may have contact with covid19..let alone all the local events cancelled or postponed to curtail the spread of the virus....what a huge price we are all paying for the ease of flying..and uncertain actions of govts/authorities to keep tabs and controls on it all....this will all take some time to unravel and peter out...we are bunkering down for the long haul and the northern hemisphere undergoes a traumatic scenario..we can only support all of those around us..friends, family, relatives, associates, etc in this as we will never really know if we have it until it is too late..and the extreme need to develop a vaccine to counter it seems far off still..good luck to all...especially those trapped and held up in their travels..and those that have already lost loved ones