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Track USS Lyndon B. Johnson (DDG-1002) Current Position / Location - USS Lyndon B. Johnson (DDG-1002) Military Ship Tracker - United States Navy - Cruising Earth

USS Lyndon B. Johnson - Military Ship Tracker

USS Lyndon B. Johnson - United States Navy

Military Ship Details & Statistics

In Service:
Hull Number:
14,564 GT
600.0 ft
80.7 ft
27.6 ft
33.5 knots
38.6 mph

Track USS Lyndon B. Johnson's Current Position In This Live Military Ship Tracker

USS Lyndon B. Johnson (DDG-1002) is a Zumwalt Class Destroyer currently being built for United States Navy. The ship has not yet been placed in active service. View USS Lyndon B. Johnson's current position, recent track, speed, course, next port destination, estimated time of arrival (ETA) and more in the destroyer tracker map below.

USS Lyndon B. Johnson is a new or future military ship and has not yet been assigned an IMO (International Maritime Organization) or MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service Identity) number. The IMO and MMSI numbers are unique to each ship and are used to track maritime vessels through the AIS (Automatic Identification System) as seen in the map below. Once an IMO or MMSI number has been assigned to USS Lyndon B. Johnson and the ship is closer to its' in service date it will then be trackable below, please check back later.

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Ship Tracker Map Legend:
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  • High Speed
  • Military / Special
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