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Carnival - Seafood Shack Menu

Carnival - Seafood Shack Menu Winter 2019


Seafood Shack has fresh fish on display along with an open-air kitchen that allows guests to watch their meal being prepared right in front of them.

Carnival’s Seafood Shack can now be found on the following cruise ships: Carnival Breeze, Carnival Dream, Carnival Freedom, Carnival Glory, Carnival Horizon, Carnival Liberty, Carnival Magic, Carnival Triumph, Carnival Valor, Carnival Victory, and Carnival Vista.

All menu items are an additional cost to your cruise. Seafood Shack is open for lunch and dinner.

  • New England Clam Chowder in Bread Bowl $4
  • Lobster Roll $12
  • Lobster BLT $12
  • Crab Cake Sliders $8
  • Fish and Chips $6
  • Fried Seafood Platter (fish, shrimp, clams, calamari, and fries) $10
  • Fried Buffalo Shrimp $6
  • Fried Clam Strips $5
  • Fried Shrimp and Clam Strip Combo $6
Market Priced Items
  • Steamed Lobster by the pound MP
  • Snow Crab by the pound MP
  • Steamed Peel and Eat Shrimp by the pound MP
  • Raw Oysters individually MP

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