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Cunard’s New Ship, Queen Anne, Makes Its' Debut In Southampton Tuesday April 30th, 2024

Cruising Earth News

Staff member

The Queen Anne will arrive in Southampton on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Following its' arrival a "VIP Event" will be held in the Port of Southampton, England on May 1st and May 2nd. Queen Anne will then depart on Friday, May 3, 2024 on its first maiden voyage, a 7-night cruise to Lisbon, Portugal.

The Queen Anne is the 249th ship to sail under the Cunard flag and will make up a quartet of Cunard ships at sea alongside Queen Mary 2, Queen Victoria, and Queen Elizabeth. Inger Klein Thorhauge will serve as the first captain of the Queen Anne and is also Cunard's first female captain.

This is Cunard's first new ship in 14 years, the last to debut was the Queen Elizabeth in 2010.

Track the Queen Anne:

Track all ships approaching the Port of Southampton:

Live webcam of ships approaching the Port of Southampton

Live webcam of ships in the Port of Southampton:

Live "VIP Event" coverage on May 1, 2:
(link to be added when available)
Ahoy Cruisers. ANy cruisers willing to share positive and, or negative experiences aboard
Cunard's new Queen Anne. Booked on Norway Northern Lights cruise September 2025.
Cheers, David J, Queensland
The Queen Anne will arrive in Southampton on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Following its' arrival a "VIP Event" will be held in the Port of Southampton, England on May 1st and May 2nd. Queen Anne will then depart on Friday, May 3, 2024 on its first maiden voyage, a 7-night cruise to Lisbon, Portugal.

The Queen Anne is the 249th ship to sail under the Cunard flag and will make up a quartet of Cunard ships at sea alongside Queen Mary 2, Queen Victoria, and Queen Elizabeth. Inger Klein Thorhauge will serve as the first captain of the Queen Anne and is also Cunard's first female captain.
How exciting! The Queen Anne’s arrival in Southampton and its upcoming maiden voyage to Lisbon are certainly milestones for Cunard. It’s especially wonderful to see Inger Klein Thorhauge making history as the first female captain of the ship. I can’t wait to follow the journey of the 249th Cunard ship—it’s great to see the fleet growing with such a prestigious addition!