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How To Disable Ad Blocker(s)


Staff member
The Cruising Earth Website continually works with partners in the Cruise & Travel Industries to bring to you special offers and discounts. In order to view many of these you will need to disable your ad blocker if you have one installed. It is quick and easy to do and will only disable it for this site. There are many different ad blockers available, we will cover the most popular. Disabling any other ad blocker should be very similar to what is shown and explained below.

Disabling For Internet Explorer
Simple Adblock - The options for this are reached by an icon at the bottom right of the internet explorer window. Click on the icon and select "Disable Simple Adblock on..." "cruisin.me". Then reload page.


Disabling For Chrome
Ad Blocker Plus - The options for this are reached by ABP icon (stop sign image) in the browser search window. Then uncheck the "Enabled for this site" when you are on a page within cruisin.me website. Then reload page.


Disabling For Firefox
Ad Blocker Plus - The options for this are reached by going to "Tools" menu option, then select "Ad Block Plus", then select to "Disable on cruisin.me". Then reload page.
