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Hurricane / Tropical Storm Dorian - 2019 Atlantic Season

Cruising Earth News

Staff member
As of 8/24/2019 we now have the fourth tropical storm of the 2019 Atlantic Season - Dorian. Check out the projected path of Dorian. It is expected to cross some major cruising routes and cruise destinations over the next week.

Will your cruise or property be affected? Keep up to date with all the latest storm and forecast information.


Note: Check directly with your cruise line for any possible weather related delays or itinerary changes. Many cruise lines will also allow you to sign-up online to receive alerts pertaining to your cruise via email or text message.
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Departing Port Everglades on 8/31 @ 3:30pm... As of yesterday, Celebrity taking a wait and see attitude toward cancellation. No further information from the line today. Will update as appropriate.
UPDATE: Still no word from Celebrity. Travel professional advises no word to her from line as well. Wednesday may be the defining day for news. Will post soonest after receiving advises.
Hurricane Dorian now expected to make major hurricane status before impacting the continental U.S. A lot of changes in the forecast strength and path in the last 12 hours making it a large concern for life and property early next week. The good thing is the path is now expected to take it further North impacting cruising routes and destinations less, but still leaving Central and South Florida ports within the cone of possibility for now.

Received word on itinerary diversions from Celebrity: Celebrity is changing itineraries for Alaska, China, Japan, Korea, and departures in 2020 through 2021 due to current hurricanes in the Caribbean. Also, Italian itineraries will be changed. Can't make this stuff up. Awaiting word on immediately impacted departures due to Hurricane Dorian in the Caribbean for an upcoming sailing in the "cone"...Sailing on Celebrity again...not so fast.