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new cruiser


New member
Hello everyone
My husband an i are new cruisers.... We will be going on the conquest February. 6.
So excited !!!
Any tips or pointers would be greatly appreciated !
Hello TruckersWife18,
We're fairly new to cruising, too. We had our first cruise last year. Going on the next one next month!
Bring all sorts of remedies for little things like tummy aches, headaches, nausea, and even colds. You'll save yourself from having to buy the pricey items at the ship or when in a port.
If I had to give some pointers, I would say bring your own Clorox or Lysol Wipes and towel off all the surfaces in your room once you get checked in. I wipe off the light switches, remotes, door handles, and other things that might not get a regular cleansing in between cruisers.
I believe you're allowed to take a bottle of wine, per person, on the ship. Take a little travel corkscrew with you, or, ask your room attendant if you can borrow one. Get your wine uncorked before you get to the dining room, otherwise, they charge you an uncorking fee. We drank ours in our room so this wasn't an issue but we heard others complaining about it.
Ok, that's all I've got for now!
Have a great trip!