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Carnival Cruise Line's Recipes!

We just got back from our cruise on the Carnival Liberty and the food in the Main Dining room was great. I had the Pasta Ravioli one evening and it was fantastic. Is there any way I could get the recipe for it?
I would like the Carnival Legend "Chicken Satay" recipe if someone has it. I have some of their recipes not posted but no pictures to go with the recipes.
1.8 kg Flour "00" (they use Antimo Caputo Pizzeria Flour) I was told by my Italian store that this flour has been developed for oven 700 degrees or higher
1.5 (small spoon) yeast
0.3 oz Salt
1 Litre Water

1.8 kg Flour "00" (they use Antimo Caputo Pizzeria Flour) I was told by my Italian store that this flour has been developed for oven 700 degrees or higher

1.5 (small spoon) yeast
0.3 oz Salt
1 Litre Water
Crushed Ice handful
Mix salt, yeast, ice.....Mix well, Add flour and mix until dough is soft
They cook in a 750 degree oven
The sauce is made from fresh garlic, baked and made into a paste.
I only remember 2 of the cheeses, Gorgonzola, Parmesan
Read more: https://www.cruisingearth.com/forum/f20/carnival-cruise-lines-recipes-316/index2.html#ixzz3EsE7gsHU
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Nut and cream Cake

Were just on the Victory to Grand Turk and Nassau and loved the Nut and cream cake. Please email the recipe.

Jamaican Red Bean Soup.jpg

Enjoy !
I was just on the Carnival Pride out of Tampa (Jan 11-18) and would like to get the recipe for the Basa fish (served over potato and had a red sauce on it). It was delicious!