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Carnival Cruise Line's Recipes!

recipe for baked shrimp with tomato preserve

Does anyone have the recipe for baked shrimp with tomato preserve(s), which is served compliments of the chef at the Steakhouse? My son just finished two years dancing on the Carnival Dream, and would love the recipe!
Hey, last cruise I went on, was the first time I'd ever had a Mai Tai. When I got home I started ordering them but they were never the same color or flavor. I was wondering if Carnival has their own version of the recipe and if so could you post it for me?
We just cruised on the Ecstasy, and the dessert selection on the last night included a "buttered popcorn pot de creme". Is there a recipe for this??? It was delicious!
I just came back from a Cruise on the Carnival Sunshine and we had the most delicious dessert on earth!!!! The smores Parfait! Is it possible to have the receipe?
Another cruiser looking for the recipe for the Carnival Flaming Tomato Soup on the Brunch Menu. Has anyone had luck finding it?
I was on the Carnival Glory March 11-18, 2017. My husband and I did the Chefs table and absolutely loved the experience. We are not big on tomato soup, however they served a tomato bisque made with yellow and red tomatoes and crisped brioche that was amazing. We would love to get the recipe..... Thanks

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Hello does anyone know what is actually in the Pina Colada Mix and the Strawberry Daiguiri Mix? I like the Miami Vice but wanted to know ingredients as I need to know if they are Gluten Free. I know the Bacari 151 is gluten free. Just wanted to know the other ingredients.